Category Archives: Body Language

Eye movement meaning: Why do people make certain eye movements?

Next time you’re in a group of chatting people, direct your attention to their eye movements. As you track their eye direction you’ll notice different patterns when a person is talking and when they are listening. Sometimes you’ll notice a … Continue reading

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The Wink Meaning: Why do we Wink?

Winking isn’t one of those things that comes naturally to us. Ask a young child to wink and you’ll see what I mean. It’s something we have to really learn to do. Why would we train ourselves to shut one … Continue reading

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Origins of Clapping: Why do we Clap?

If you think about it, striking your hands together almost aggressively to emit loud slapping sounds is not an entirely intuitive mark of admiration and appreciation, and yet the clap has served this very role for centuries. So what is … Continue reading

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The Back Pat: Why do we pat on the back?

Whether you’re giving someone a bro hello-hug, comforting someone or congratulating them, the pat on the back is a gesture that’s very much part of every day life. Why is back patting done?

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Fidgeting: Why do I fidget?

Many of us find ourselves wriggling while we work, squirming in our seats and fiddling with our fingers. There are 1001 different ways to fidget. You might bounce your leg up and down, or play with your hair. You might … Continue reading

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History of the bow: Why do we bow?

Whilst the act of bowing was common in days gone by, today the bow seems to be bordering on extinction in much of the world. Having said that, the bow is still alive in Asian cultures, and is still seen … Continue reading

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The Nod: Why does the head nod mean yes?

The head nod meaning is almost universal throughout the planet, meaning “yes”. Why does a nod mean yes?

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The Head Shake: Why do I shake my head to say no?

The head shake from side to side is a globally recognized way of saying “no”. But why do we do it?

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The Finger Wag: Why is finger wagging done?

The finger wag is received with a sinking heart by most recipients. Whether it’s delivered by an admonishing parent or by a critical referee when you’re playing a sport, you know that when you see that finger wagging, it’s a … Continue reading

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Hand holding: Meaning of Holding hands

Walking around any town or city, you are bound to see strolling couples almost unaware that they’re locked in palm-kiss. Why do romantic couples hold hands?

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