Why do I feel drawn to certain symbols?

A lot of us have a favourite symbol. It could be an animal, or an inanimate object or shape that we feel drawn to. Often we may start forming a collection of these.

I believe that whatever you are drawn to, it says something about you. Below are some examples of what the symbol you are drawn to could say about you:







  • Cats are famous for their independence and pride. A cat fan is quite likely to admire these qualities.

Clocks & Watches

  • People who collect clocks may be particularly aware of the passage of time, of the finiteness of life and of the importance of every second. These may be people who at least in theory, would like to make every second count.
  • Clocks are also mechanical things where if you want, you’d be able to figure out every little aspect of how they work. A love of watches or clocks, particularly if you like seeing the little cogs moving etc. may indicate a love of understanding how things work and having an analytical, logical mind.
  • Unlike other symbols and things people may like such as dragons or unicorns, watches and clocks are very real. People who are drawn to collecting clocks may be more down-to-earth, realistic, practical and have less of a tendency to be fantastical dreamers.


  • Liking coathangers could indicate a love of fashion.


  • As cows are quite gentle, patient, passive, stoic and submissive, a person who likes these animals may either identify with these qualities or admire them in others.
  • The fact that cows give milk gives cows an association with nourishment and motherhood. Two factors that may be of particular importance to a cow-lover.

Dandelion seed-heads

  • Dandelions are often associated with the beautiful white floating seeds, swirling this way and that way in the wind. The freedom of the seed’s flight can make the dandelion a symbol of freedom, and can also symbolize going with the flow.
  • The leisurely speed at which the dandelion seed travels through the air may add symbolism to the dandelion, relating to relaxation and taking it easy.
  • Because of the tradition of blowing on dandelions and making a wish, dandelions can also be associated with hopefulness: hope for wishes and dreams coming true.
  • Closer to its biological significance, the seed-head with its seeds full of bundled up potential for the growth of new flowers, can also represent fertility, fruitfulness and abundance.
  • Blowing the dandelion seeds away from the flower stalk can also represent an end of one era (of being part of a complete flower), and the start of another (of the seedlings making their new life on their own). The departure of the seeds from the seed-head can represent letting go, gaining independence, growing up or moving on.
  • Associating blowing on dandelions with childhood can also speak of your sentimentality for memories from the past when you would blow on dandelions as a child.
  • Since dandelion heads are found growing in the summer months, they can also be a symbol of summer.


  • Dogs are loyal, protective, friendly and offer unconditional love. A dog-lover may deem these qualities as important.


  • Dolphins are known for their playfulness and intelligence. Two qualities dolphin fans may find particularly important to them.


Goth-related collectibles like skeletons, bats and other things of the night

  • This may display a quite prominent preoccupation with death and our finite nature as human beings
  • It may indicate a slightly pessimistic way of looking at the world. A world shrouded in darkness.
  • It may indicate a preoccupation, and maybe a fear of evil things. Sometimes we become excessively preoccupied with that which we fear the most. By embodying something it becomes less threatening adn easier to accept, even, to the point where you start to like it.
  • It may be a deliberate tool to appear threatening to others. So these people may desire a lot more personal space and may try to push people away (at least initially).
  • It may display a fascination with people that once were, and with the concept of history. In a way remembering those who are now skeletons is like keeping history alive. Someone who likes skulls and bones may be a paleoanthropologist whose living involves studying hominid ancestors from the past!

More symbols coming soon!

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