Square meal origin and meaning: Why do we say square meal?

Square Watermelon postcard

Unless you count things like cubed watermelons, few of the foods we eat are actually square shaped. So then why do we sometimes call a nourishing and wholesome meal a “square meal”?

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Bindis: Why do Indians wear a red dot on their forehead?

Chai Time Poster
Aside from beautiful saris and magnificent gold jewellery one of the most internationally famous body adornments worn by Indian women is the red dot on the forehead, the bindi. Travelling in India you might notice that these forehead decorations are not unique to women. So why do Indians wear red dots and similar forehead decorations? Continue reading

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History of the Cowboy Hat: Why do Cowboys Wear Hats?

THE HORSE TRAINER in Pencil, Poster print

Ever asked yourself: “Why do cowboys wear hats?”. Here’s a brief history of the cowboy hat which should answer your question! Continue reading

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Eye movement meaning: Why do people make certain eye movements?

Green Eye print

Next time you’re in a group of chatting people, direct your attention to their eye movements. As you track their eye direction you’ll notice different patterns when a person is talking and when they are listening. Sometimes you’ll notice a listener staring intently at one speaker but not at another, and sometimes you’ll notice a talker flit their eyes every which way. Why do people make all these different eye movements? Continue reading

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Jewish New Year: What’s the meaning of Rosh Hashana and Rosh Hashana traditions?

Rosh Hashanah Symbols Flat Card invitation

When September rolls round you know the autumn is approaching, the beginning of the school year is near and for Jewish people, September means that Rosh Hashanah is soon to be upon them.

What is Rosh Hashanah? “Rosh Hashanah” literally means “head of the year” because it marks the Jewish New Year. But why do Jewish people celebrate their New Year in September or October rather than in January? And what exactly is involved in a Jewish New Year celebration? Continue reading

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Tying the knot: Why do we say we tie the knot when we get married?

Buy the Bride a Shot Bachelorette Party T-Shirt shirt

You hear your cousin gush about finally going to “tie the knot” with her boyfriend, and as you hear this, you automatically substitute “tie the knot” with “getting married” in your head. But if you pause for a minute, you think to yourself, it’s quite an interesting thing to say. Why would tying a knot have anything to do with getting married?
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Why marry? Why should I get married?

Wedding Ring Love stamps stamp

In our facebook generation, when you reach your mid-20s and thereafter you start noticing that your facebook feed becomes inundated with wedding photos and status changes. Getting married in your mid-20s isn’t something new. Back in Ancient Greece, men were often close to 30 when they married their younger wives, and between the 13th and 16th centuries the age of 25 was the average age of marriage.

For centuries getting married has been a socially accepted thing for a man and woman to do if they are to have exclusive sexual relationships and bring children into the world together. Of course even then these were not the only reasons to get married, and often political, financial and social reasons would enter the equation too. But what about today? Have reasons to marry changed over time? In our day and age why do people get married? Continue reading

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The History of Jewelry: Why do we wear jewelry?


Many of us wear jewelry every day without a second thought, but it’s an interesting question considering how this habit of jewelry wearing began. What was the meaning of jewelry to our earlier ancestors and how did the history of jewelry wearing begin? Continue reading

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Favourite colors: Why do I like the color orange? (or why do I hate orange?)

Orange you glad? shirt

Orange is one of the least liked colors in existence. What makes you like the color orange or hate it? According to the ancient Indian Chakra Theory, loving or hating the color orange are two sides of the same coin. Both indicate issues concerning the sacral chakra.

So what do issues with the sacral chakra say about a person? Listed below are some of the positive aspects associated with the color orange and the sacral chakra, although note that strong feelings about this color could also demonstrate the exact opposites of the qualities described below. Continue reading

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Favourite colors: Why do I like the color red?

I believe that in life, when we’re drawn to certain things, like particular colors, this isn’t random. I believe it happens for a reason.  In exploration of this topic, I’ve looked into color therapy and the ancient Indian scriptures that discuss chakra colors.

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