Category Archives: My Body

The Chinese Body Clock: Why do I feel differently at different hours of the day?

Ever felt seemingly inexplicable changes in your energy levels or mood at different hours of the day? There are many factors which can affect energy levels and mood. Sugar levels, hormone and brain chemical fluctuations all contribute to energy and … Continue reading

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Noises in the stomach: Why does my stomach gurgle?

The infamous stomach gurgle is a bane to many of us. Especially if we are often performing in front of others. Lecturers, radio presenters, TV presenters and teachers dread the moment when their stomach decides to erupt into song at … Continue reading

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Why does hair darken with age?

It’s very common to have blonde curls as a baby or a toddler, and as you get older, your natural hair colour is now a far darker brown or black. It also becomes coarser with age. Why does this happen?

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Why do men have nipples?

If nipples are there for mothers to make milk to feed babies, why do men have nipples?

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Why do I feel tiredness after eating?

Most of us are familiar with that sleepiness that falls upon us after eating a really big satisfying meal. The “food coma effect” is most prevalent after massive meals, like after Christmas dinner or the Thanksgiving meal. What you’re suffering … Continue reading

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Why do I Blush? and How do I stop blushing

Have you ever asked yourself: “Why do I blush when I’m embarrassed?” or “Why do I blush when I’m angry?”

How does blushing work? Is there a reason for it? And can we control it and stop a blush before it embarrasses us further? Continue reading

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